June 16, 2011

reflection #16

After pass this six months, I would like to say... Whoaaa! I <3 Micro Teaching Class! The one and only course that I like the most during I’m studying in this university.hahahahhaha

In micro class, I got many things which help me to develop myself, but I will tell you the three-most-important-development here. The first is about gesture. Such as The way I dress, the way I walk, the way I talk, the way I move, or even the way I smile and laugh. To me, those are important. In my opinion, teacher is someone who always gets the students’ attention.all students’ eyes are on the teacher. Thus, as a teacher we have to know the way to get their attention by making good gesture. The second is about giving reinforcements to the students. Before I got micro teaching class, I never know that giving reinforcement to the students is very important to boost up their spirit in learning activities. The students will feel that the teacher respects them and their answer, so for the next they willing to give attention to what we give.the last is about preparing material and manage the time well. In my opinion, the most difficult thing that teacher has to do is preparing the qualified material but not overtime. That’s so difficult because we never know what will happen tomorrow so what we can do is just prepared. And if the unexpected thing happens, what we can do is just choose and decide which material we will give then. Until this time, I haven’t felt yet that I have the characteristics of good teacher in myself. If the scale is 100%, maybe I just fulfill the 60% of it. Because I realize that there are still many things that need improvement, but I believe up to this time, I have become a good teacher as compared to long time ago when I pretend to be a teacher to my dolls.hahahahhaha

I was so thankful to God because HE put me in my micro class now, because the guys there were sooooo rawks! The lecturer was cool as well :p in this class, each person helps others in many different ways, of course. For example, if we came late, it will help our friend to just as strict with the late students by giving warning. If we always talk about something which is not relate to the material, our friend will also giving warning to back to our work, or even if we don’t know about something, our teacher will try to answer our question indirectly just to help us to guess the answer. And it also happen when I became the teacher! Each of us knows how to overcome that because we have learned from the previous experience I guess. Yaah... I think, those are the things that we do to help our friends, and this is a secret! Please don’t tell anyone! :D  

Actually, I want to pass from this class successfully, and I know that my friends will hope the same. Thus, I always tried to help them when they found any difficulties. Such as when there was any misspelling, sometimes I wrote on a paper that “that’s wrong, the right is…” or something like that. I did that because I also want they did the “job” well.frankly speaking, I helped them honestly and sincerely because I want pass this class with all my friends who belong to this class from the beginning.

In this time, also want to say thank you to all my friends who already give comments on my performance, not only to my friends who got the job as the observer, but also to my friends who convey informal comments in informal situations.hahha I mean, they just tell what they felt or they saw from my performances. I am super-duper-very-bery -happy with that! Because in my opinion, it can help me to develop my skill so I can be better later on. There is no hard feeling even just a little when I read the comments, because I know that what they give to me is a fact. I didn’t think that they hate me when they wrote the comments.hahha that’s so illiberal.

Finally, thanks for all my beloved friends for giving me so many awesome experiences in this six months in our class. Thanks also to my lecturer for his effort to tell us and give us an example of great teacher. I hope I can get the best best very best score in this class. I don’t need A, or B, or C, (or D? oh...Please not! T_T) if it’s not appropriate with my efforts. Just give me the score which is appropriate with my efforts up till now. Emmmmm…I think, A is fair enough, or maybe B+ or B++.hahahhahahaa. It’s up to you sir! Thank you!

God bless you all readers! Mwwwaaaach!

reflection #15

This is the last week! Yeayyyy!! I couldn’t be happier then :) in this last week, we had four people, we had to start earlier, and we got lots snack from our senior.hahahahah. This class ended happily.
However; we still have 1 task to do. (Oh no, actually 2) the first one is completing the weekly reflection, and the second one is making final reflection. And quite frankly, the hardest past for me is the task number one. And after I completed that in one day, I got something new to learn. Please do the weekly reflection frequently! I mean...if that is a weekly task, so please do it every week, because if you’re not, you yourself will get trouble! :(

reflection #14

At this week, the teachers were very great. Not too excessive, but not too minimalist as well.everybody was on the track. :) At this week, actually I really want to know what material that they give to us. I really wondering it because, the topic that they got were lil’bit confusing (maybe, it’s just for me? :p) such as “surat bisnis sederhana, or pengunaan alat-alat manual”. I just couldn’t imagine, “what will I teach if the material is like that?” but they-my friends- could do that successfully. The material was appropriate with the topic, the way they taught was also run well, and yeah...They could do it! I do give my big appreciation goes to them :)

reflection #13

After I finished my job for the final test, I always happy and I was very excited to come to micro teaching class. Do you know why? I bet you know the answer. Yeah! Because after that day, I have nothing to do again! I don’t need to prepare anything; I don’t need to feel any “menunggu dan dagdigdug” feeling again, one thing that I have to do is just come, sit, and have fun! Hahahhaa. 

At that time, the teachers were all boys, and I have a question just because of them, actually I have this question since long time ago. Since I was in senior high school... 

 ‘Is it true that men are simpler than women?” 

If the teacher is a man, I always wondering; why does he rarely use PowerPoint when giving the material? This question appears again at that day, when all the teachers (men) did not use PowerPoint to explain and convey the material to us. In my opinion, using PowerPoint can help the teacher itself to convey what they want to say, especially if they give realia, or picture there.

So, somebody...Can u tell me about the answer? ;p


Reflection #12

In my previous reflection, I stated that my micro class will have the lottery for final test. And taraaaaa!! I got the lucky number 13 to teach. J I have to teach reading skill and the topic was descriptive text. The problem was, I have to teach SMK students, so I have to prepare what type of vocational skill that I want to teach. And finally, I decided to teach describing clothes for students of dressmaking school (sekolah tata busana) so I have to find a text which has relation with that. My feeling at that time was quite different with my feeling when I had my progress test 1, maybe because I have some ways to overcome my nervous feeling.hehehehe. However, I still nervous but just a little bit! J Unfortunately, Pak Prast was not in the class at that time because he has to attend a debate competition in Semarang. Thus, I hope after he returns to Jogja, he will have time to see my performance and give comments on that in order to improve my teaching skill later on my PPL.


Reflection #11

For my progress test 2, Nimas and I decided to teach speaking skill in interactional speech for semester 2.
I chose speaking because I can involve the students in the class to develop their speaking ability and develop mine as well J I had to teach giving directions. Frankly speaking, I really excited to teach in the lower class because as we know, the atmosphere of course will be different because we haven’t know each other before, and also there will be no “pretending situation” like if we teach in micro class. Hahaha. And when the time has come, I felt really happy! First, because I could explain the material well and the “scenario” that I’ve prepared went well. Second, the teacher, Ms.Dewi said that I did well. I l could learn a lot from my friend who performed first in the previous week. And you know what? She gave me 4 for almost all assessment aspects! Yaaaiiyy!  :) And the third, the happiest thing was the students in that class were really rawks! They gave much attention to my explanation, they willing to participate in the class, and they were really respect all the micro teachers (or maybe because they don’t want to get “karma” later? :P) in short, It was so much fun to be a teacher * at that time* hahahhahaha


Reflection #10

Finally, the first time for final test came! One of my friends looked unhappy because she got beginning turn.too beginning, she said: p then I tried to support her by giving “supporting words” such as “gek ndang selesai, malah enak!” hahhahaa. I know that words will give her additional support. 
However, everything went back to the person itself. If she still has unhappy feeling, ya...We can’t do anything. And when the D-day came, she wasn’t much better than her previous turn. I mean, her previous turn was better than this time. From that experience, I learn something.something that is soooo important. “Don’t ever persuade your mind with something bad, unless you want to ruin everything become worse” this my-new-wise-word means that if you face something that you claim as a bad thing, just face it and think about the other way. Find a way to make it look interesting in your eyes.insyaallah you will “pass” that problem!

Don’t you believe, do you? Well...Just try then! :)


Reflection #9

Finally the progress test 1 will come to the end. However, we cannot take a rest because we will immediately have lottery for final test. Fyuuhh! Bless me everybody, so I will get the lucky number! ;D

‘Till this time, all the students did the “job” well, not only for the students who became the teacher, but also for them who became the observer. At that moment, I felt that this class has already found its atmosphere.hahhaha. 

Why did I say so? Because each of us have willingness to help our friend who teach in front instead of create so so many jokes. :D  thus, I hope later on in final test time, all of my friends in class will do the same thing again..amin!