April 13, 2011

reflection #6..

this week we had six friends who did their teaching test. they did very very well. I wish I could do as great as they did or even better ^^ I learned many things from their performances.
the first is about time management. we should really aware about the time management. even though we had already prepare the material, the exercises or whatever it called, but if we don't think about the time management. everything that we have prepared, will loose! hahaha.
the second is about expecting. if we had prepared the material well and also have enough understanding about time management, we have to expect about the situation that will happen in the class. we never know about the students' feeling and their answer when we give them a question. thus, in my opinion we have to think about it first before we teach, so we could know what we have do then :D
and the third is about relaxness.  although we are nervous, we're not allowed to show it to the class. because if we are nervous, it will affect our performance and the we will loose our 'image' in front of the students.
I really hope that I can practice those three things above! :p


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